vendor rules & Regulations for
helena fESTIVAL
The Helena Business Association (HBA) and Helena Festival (HF) cordially invite your organization to participate in Helena Festival held in Old Town Helena. We will offer an evening of music, arts, food, and shopping and we invite you to be a part of the fun! Please note that the HBA and HF reserve the right to reject any vendor application or otherwise limit the number and assortment of vendor offerings for any reason.
Space is limited and applications are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Vendors Must Observe The Following Rules:
Any tent or shelter must be free standing as it will be placed on pavement, gravel, or grass area. Vendors must furnish their own tents. Vendor spaces may not be level.
No used “For Sale” or “Yard Sale” items are accepted. If you sell items not listed on your application, you may be asked to remove those items or leave the event. You must be specific on your detail to prevent conflicts with other vendors.
Food vendor applications will be considered based on management approval, previous HF experience, as well as the type of food to be sold. Entry decisions will be based on your primary product sold, such as barbeque pork, barbeque chicken, ribs, deli sandwiches, etc. not on every single item. The HF reserves the right to grant exclusivity on certain food products. No free refills of drink products are allowed.
Food vendors must meet HF requirements regarding health code regulations. These requirements are the same as the Shelby County Health Department. Neither the HBA nor HF are responsible for food vendors unable to open at the start of the event due to failure to meet stated regulations. No refunds of fees paid will be made.
All food vendors must be set-up and ready for inspection no later than 30 minutes prior to the start time on the day of the event. ANY VENDOR not setup by that time will not be allowed to participate in the event and will not receive a refund.
Any food vendor bringing a self contained mobile food unit must specify the width and length to include the hitch on your application. You must also specify which side of the truck you will serve out of and include a picture of your mobile unit.
All vendors may set up on the day of the event from 1 hour to 30 minutes prior to the start time. You are asked to use your vehicle to drop off your booth supplies then park in the designated vendor parking area. No vehicles are allowed in the event area during the hours of operation unless you have prior written permission from HF management. You may bring your vehicle to your booth area once the event is over. VENDORS ARE REQUIRED TO STAY AT THEIR BOOTH UNTIL THE END OF THE EVENT UNLESS PRIOR ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE WITH HF MANAGEMENT.
Each exhibitor is responsible for their own booth. Spaces are approximately 10’ x 10’ and may not be level. HF management will assign booth space based on the type of products/services you offer. No vendor will be assigned a booth space until the Registration Form AND payment is received and APPROVED by HF. If a Registration Form is received without sufficient payment, a booth space will not be assigned and you may lose your chance to participate if all booths are taken. NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED AFTER YOUR REGISTRATION IS ACCEPTED.
Food vendors will supply all equipment needed for their operation. (ABC #10 fire extinguisher, hose,power cords, tents, tables, chairs, signage, etc). Vendors are responsible for all equipment. Food vendors must list what power and water requirements they need. Food vendors must specify total space requirements and equipment used, i.e. trailer, tent, etc. Food vendors MUST have an appropriate fire extinguisher in booth.
Electricity is limited and only available on a first-come, first-served basis. Vendors may use small generators to power their booths, food stands, etc. provided the level of noise and exhaust fumes is acceptable to HF management. Vendors requiring electricity must supply all extension cords. Please indicate on the application whether or not you request electrical outlet access. ACCESS TO ELECTRICITY IS LIMITED. NOT ALL BOOTHS HAVE ELECTRICAL ACCESS.
No unauthorized amplification of sound-producing devices. No unauthorized signs or written materials.
Political booths, signs, and hand out campaign materials are prohibited from Helena First Friday. Political candidates may walk and greet the people at the event.
Non Food Vendors will NOT be allowed to sell, give away, or otherwise offer food or drinks of any kind without prior written permission from HF management.
Vendors are required to have a valid General Liability Insurance Policy and assume all risks of property damage, property loss, damaged goods and all risks of physical injury.
Vendors shall be solely responsible for safe and clean disposal of waste and trash and for all damages caused by vendor or vendor’s employees to all buildings, grounds, persons or person’s property and shall indemnify and hold HF, HBA, its management and the City of Helena harmless from such damages, claims, in juror defense costs.
Sales Tax: All vendors will be required to pay the appropriate State, County, and City sales tax.Your information will be furnished to each taxing authority.
HF Management reserves the right to refuse or remove any organization, vendor, or product from the festival for any reason.
Non-Profit Organizations: For all non-profit organizations based outside the city limits of Helena, AL, there will be a limit of 3 per event and each organization may only participate once per calendar year. For non-profit organizations that are based within the city limits of Helena, AL, you may participate as many months as you like. ALL NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS WILL BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE SUFFICIENT DOCUMENTATION TO PROVE NON-PROFIT STATUS.